Friday, June 27, 2008

Bagar website is up!

Time has definitely gone by fast here in Bagar. We are almost on our sixth week, it is hard to believe. One reason time has flown could be because we are so busy! Our work day starts around 8:00am or 9:00am and goes until about 8:00pm. Recently, I have been working extra hard at creating the website for this town-- check it out at I am the project manager for the site and am working with another intern, Anurag Dutta from BITS-Pilani (a VERY good Indian University for anyone who has not heard of it). He is basically the technology backbone behind the site. As you will see, I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about Bagar and its history. The other day I walked around town for three hours with Manalal Ji, one of the men of the village who explained to me a lot about Bagar and its history. He was in the Indian army for 21 years and enjoyed telling me about his adventures all over India including Calcutta and Kashmir.

Besides the website, I have also been working with the English classes on personality development. This week, we discussed Time Management and Study Skills. It was a huge success and I was able to teach some of the skills I have learned at Penn to the students in rural India. Also, this week another batch of students began coming but this time, the students were actually teachers themselves and college graduates. They enjoyed hearing about lfie in America and were all eager to know "who my favorite actresses and actors were." When I responded with two people who were not in Bollywood, they were slightly surprised (shocker!!)

Ok, time to get back to work! Until next time.....


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