Saturday, June 14, 2008

Namaste From Bagar

Hello Everyone!

I am Stephanie Searles and I am also working here in Bagar at GDL. I am currently building a website for the town because (surprise!) nothing really exists on the web about Bagar. I am trying to capture Bagar's identity in the site. I have the unique challenge of figuring out the history of this place (most of which is not written down). My travels across town have taken me to some amazing places. I have visited many havelis (elaborately decorated mansions), most of which were beautiful at one point but are dilapidated and damaged by the extreme weather conditions. I am also trying to visit as many local businesses as possible and figure out the best and most efficient way to present their business on the web. The people here are so welcoming and friendly. It is impossible to walk down one of the street without hearing "namaste didi" (hello sister) from one of the children or being invited into someone's house for a cup of chai.

Also, I have been working with two of the English classes here. I am helping with the personality development sections of the classes. Last week we worked on career development and I tried to explain to the students what their options are where and how to go about pursuing their interests. This week's presentation had to do with positive attitude. Today, to finish off the positive attitude module, someone from the next village is coming in to do a meditation session-- should be interesting.

Overall, I have already learned so much in the first three weeks here. I will continue to up date you all on my experiences and will let you all know when the website is launched!


PS, yes I did ride the camel in the picture and yes, I did scream almost the whole time I was on it!

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